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Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Library may be closed, but don't forgot about our digital resources!!

While our physical building is closed, we still offer tons of amazing educational and entertaining resources for YOU digitally! We offer access to hundreds of eBooks, eMagazines, music, audiobooks, videos, research databases, and more!!!

Don't have a library card? NO PROBLEM!
You can sign up for one ONLINE!
Click here for information on how.
Click here to sign up online!

There are eResources for ALL ages, from small children up through senior citizens! 
Below is a list of some of Ms. Dani's favorite eResources for children.

*Please note that to access these digital resources, you may be asked for your library card number.* 
*If you encounter issues, please email us at*

Read eBooks, listen to audiobooks, read magazines, and check out short videos using OverDrive and/or their app Libby. The app can be downloaded on most smart handheld devices and allows you access to hundreds of titles for all ages. Don't have a handheld device? Titles can also be accessed on a desktop computer as well.

Tumble Books offers video read-alouds of hundreds of educational and entertaining titles for children. They also offer a great selection of eBooks, graphic novels, language learning titles, online games and puzzles, and a math database. There's really something for all kids and teens! 

Scholastic has two great databases - BookFlix and TrueFlix. Both databases offer video read-alouds of titles based on theme or subject mater. BookFlix pairs a picture book with a non-fiction title. TrueFlix pairs an education video with a non-fiction title. Read and explore today!

Little Pim, the child language learning database by Mango Languages, can help children learn over ten different languages! You will need to set-up a personal account using your library card number to access this valuable eResource.

The above eResources are just a small selection of the amazing digital resources we offer!
 Check them out for yourself and let us know what you think!!

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